SoftField Core Released (Alpha)

Today, we are introducing to you the beta version of our Kernel – (Stable) in public access. We hope that in the future, as many people as possible will try it out and share any errors they notice with us. We are actively working on fixing them and eagerly await your suggestions for improving the kernel. Please let us know how it can be useful to you personally and in general.

We also kindly ask you to adhere to the rules outlined on our website when using any part or the entirety of our kernel, and to give appropriate attribution. We’d like to remind you that our kernel is free, and do not fall for deception if someone asks you for money.

We have also pondered the question of regular updates for our assets and have decided not to release them with new kernel versions. They are capable of working effectively even without updates since only the logic changes. However, if you have experience using our asset with the new kernel version, please inform us so that we can address any potential issues. Best regards – SoftField Team.
